स्टार क्रिकेटर सन्दीपलाई बेलायतमा अपमान, १० दिन होटेल क्वारेन्टिन बसेपछि भनियो : भिषा अवैध छ


काठमाडौं । नेपालका स्टार क्रिकेटर सन्दिप लामिछानेले बेलायतमा अपमान बेहोर्नु परेको छ । साथै उनले ‘द हन्ड्रेड’ प्रतियोगिता समेत गुमाएका छन् । बेलायतको क्रिकेट बोर्डले उनलाई तत्काल देश छोड्न समेत भनेको छ । यो सन्दीपले कुनै गल्ती गरेका कारण भने होइन । बेलायतले शुरुमा प्रवेश अनुमति दिएर १० दिन होटेल क्वारेन्टिन समेत बसिसकेपछि उनलाई भिषा अवैध भएको भन्ने जानकारी गराइएको छ । तर, यो कसरी भयो भन्ने बारे भने स्पष्ट नभनिएको सन्दीपले सामाजिक संजालमा सार्वजनिक गरेका छन् ।

‘द हन्ड्रेड’ प्रतियोगिता खेल्न उनी ९ जुलाईमा बेलायत पुगेका थिए । बेलायत पुग्दा अध्यागमनमा आफुलाई कुनै समस्या नभएको उनले जानकारी गराएका छन् । सामान्यता भिषा अवैध भएमा अध्यागमनले नै रोक्ने गर्छ । त्यसपछि उनी सरकारले व्यवस्थापन गरेको क्वारेन्टाइनमा गएर बसेका थिए । नियमानुसार क्वारेन्टाइन सकिनुभन्दा दुईदिन अघि उनलाई बेलायतको क्रिकेट बोर्डले भिसा बैध नभएको र चाँडोभन्दा चाँडो देश छोड्न भनेको उनले जानकारी गराएका छन् ।

तर, किन यसो भयो भन्ने बारे भने कसैले पनि जानकारी नगराएको उनको गुनासो छ । यसअघि समेत बेलायतले समयमै भिषा नदिएपछि उनले टी २० ब्लास्ट प्रतियोगिता समेत गुमाएका थिए । एक करोड रुपैयाँ भन्दा बढी मूल्यमा आवद्ध भएका उनी अब प्रतियोगितामा सहभागी नै हुन नपाई घर फर्कनु पर्ने भएको छ ।

यस्तो छ सन्दीपको स्टाटस

I am extremely gutted for missing out on The Hundred. I was so looking forward to play for my team Oval Invincibles and followed all the instructions that was given to me by the ECB officials.

Briefly, when I applied for the Tier 5 visa, I was told that one Certificate of Sponsorship would be enough for my gig at Vitality Blast and The Hundred. Due to COVID-19 situation, there was a delay in my visa and Worcestershire pulled out but it was again communicated to me by officials that as long as I come into the UK before July 10, I would be okay as my COS was still active.

I came in the UK by July 9, had no issues whatsoever at the immigration and moved into the government managed quarantine facility to complete my quarantine. On July 18, two days before my quarantine completion, I was told by ECB that may visa is not valid and I have to leave the country ASAP. I have been asking what went wrong but apparently no one at the ECB have the correct answer. I can totally understand that things can go south at anytime, however I at least deserve a clear answer on why my valid visa is not valid anymore.

I left a lot to be the part of this exciting tournament and totally pray and wish the best for all teams out there. I always got love from the lovely people of UK and I would urge ECB to look into the matter so that no one else has to go through this ordeal. I can also feel for my people who were so looking forward to my participation in this amazing tournament. There will be better days ahead.
